WHAT'S IT ABOUT? WORLD OF WARSHIPS is a multiplayer and team-based online real-time strategy naval warfare battle arena game where players control warships. Players command four types of mid-20th-century naval vessels -- destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and carriers -- to navigate the oceans, firing guns and torpedoes at enemy vessels. Competition occurs in 12-vs.-12 battles aimed at either destroying all the other team’s ships or capturing and holding control points on the map. Battles are accompanied by large explosions, smoke, and fire, as well as ships breaking and sinking. Each battle earns you achievements, experience, and gold that can be used to upgrade your ship's equipment, unlock higher-tiered ships, and train your captains.


IS IT ANY GOOD? This impressive war game takes the tactics and strategy of combat and tosses them into an action-packed multiplayer arena. The ships are built to historically accurate specifications, and, as a battle-arena game, it excels at being strategic game and doesn't draw things out in excessively long battles; matches are usually kept to within 30 minutes. The basic controls are simple and intuitive, but mastering the advanced controls takes a lot of practice. Players are encouraged to work as a team executing a variety of strategies -- sudden ambushes, cunning flank attacks, head-on confrontations -- all to deliver a decisive blow at the competition.  Beyond the game's value as entertainment, it provides an immersion into the history of the ships and the countries they represent. Currently, World of Warships has vessels from four countries: the U.S.A., Japan, Russia, and the U.K., with more countries in the works. As with all the Wargaming titles, these are great games for military buffs and are family-friendly. Younger kids can easily master the game so long as parents keep in mind the unmoderated language they may be exposed to during matches. The greatest value of World of Warships is its stunning beauty, the reasonable gameplay sessions, and the critical thinking and strategic planning wrapped in a fun and engaging game that can provide hours of fun.